The iron Islands

Source: A World of Ice and Fire pg. 206

“We do not sow” are the words of the ruling house in the Iron Islands. It’s a thinly soiled chain of islands populated by thieves and rapists who subsist mainly on fish, much like Scandinavia, from which it gets its inspiration.

I can make that joke. I’m 2% Scandinavian.

Like the North and Dorne, the Ironborn keep their own culture, which includes reaving, salt wives, and chose their kings in a kingsmoot.

Unlike the North, which worship the old gods, or the Andals, which worship the Seven, the Ironborn worship the Drowned God. I’ve always pictured him as Poseidon if he were a pale emaciated corpse that washed upon the shore, but before the stray dogs got at him

House Greyjoy of

Major Houses

House Harlaw (Harlaw)

House Hoare

House Sunderly

House Goodbrother (Hammerhorn)

House Wynch
(Iron Holt)

House Blacktyde (Blacktyde)

House Drumm
(Old Wyk)

House Botley (Lordsport)

Lesser Houses

House Codd

House Farwynd

House Greyiron

House Harlaw (Grey Garden)

House Kenning

House Merlyn

House Orkwood

House Myre

House Saltcliffe

House Sparr

House Stonehouse

House Stonetree

House Tawney

House Volmark