The Crownlands
Source: A World of Ice and Fire pg. 318
The Crownlands! It’s like the Maryland of Westeros; sure the capital is nearby, and it’s filled with crabs, but other than that, who gives a shit?
Seriously, this whole region doesn’t even have it’s own section in The World of Ice and Fire. The map in the book is located in the back between the Lannister family tree and the index.
The Crownlands are home to Dragonstone and King’s Landing; two seats where the Targaryens planted their asses for hundreds of years. Aegon’s Conquest started at the mouth of Blackwater Bay, in a small fishing village that eventually mushroomed into King’s Landing.
House Targaryen
Major Houses
House Velaryon (Driftmark)
House Stokeworth
House Massey
House Brune
House Bar Emmon (Sharp Point)
House Rosby
House Buckwell (Antlers)
House Celtigar (Claw Isle)
Lesser Houses
House Blackfyre
House Blount
House Byrch
House Bywater
House Cargyll
House Chelsted
House Cressey
House Chyttering
House Darklyn
House Edgerton
House Farring
House Follard
House Gaunt
House Harte
House Hayford
House Hollard
House Kettleblack
House Mallery
House Langward
House Manning
House Pyle
House Rambton
House Rollingford
House Rykker
House Slynt
House Staunton
House Sunglass
House Wendwater